I woke up this morning, in Zach's bed by the way (after having him wake up two or three times during the night, finally at 5 I just crawled into be with him). Anyway, I woke up this morning and came downstairs to find Kevin reading to himself. I love the fact that he is becoming a reader and he likes it. He used to come into our room each morning to wake me up and tell me he wanted to watch t.v. Now, most days he quietly goes downstairs and either colors, plays by himself, or reads. He's growing up!
I told the boys we would be decorating for Christmas today. As soon as I walked downstairs one of the first things Kevin said was, "ok, let's decorate!". I knew that would happen, but I told him I need a little time to wake up. After breakfast I will be ready to face the upstairs closet that is a disaster area, in order to find our boxes full of Christmas decorations. I am also determined this year to hang out lights from the roof, so wish us luck! I love decorating day though. We get our tree, we hang up the lights, we put on Christmas music and the boys have fun looking through all the stuff and saying, "oh, I remember this from last year". It's cool and crisp outside too, which makes it nice to stay inside and maybe light a fire. So, I guess I better go have some breakfast so we can get this day started.
I just had a BIG smile when I read that Kevin was reading when he woke up!! That is awesome. I remember many times when Mike would just stay in bed when he woke up and read for more than an hour. Reading is the best! Have fun decorating today...it is a perfect cozy day to do that. Hugs for everyone!
Mom said...
Hey, high five to Kevin! What a great thing.... to be reading!
Kudos to you guys too for getting the tree and decorating already! Don't forget to water it every day.... it's 24 days 'til Christmas!
Love to all.
Tasha, I just love reading your blog, because you write so engagingly. I feel like there is a little "nanny cam" throughout your house and I can "watch" and experience all that your family is doing. It is a gift I get to open each day I read it. I look so forward to it.
Fabulous that Kevin loves to read. I remember when I was little and all the joy that my mom and dad had when reading to me. They each put so much of themselves into a story. With that much inspiration, how could you help but not love to read. And, so the boys have developed that love of reading under your and Garrett's tutelage. I can still look back and remember reading as a joy and a gift to be opened each day (just like reading your blog).
Love, Grandma Dee
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