Wednesday, January 23, 2008

If Only.....

If only I didn't have a treadmill sitting in my room. Then I would be able to have the excuse of not running because of the rain. But seeing as I can't use that as my excuse, AND due to the fact that I ate a big slice of cheesecake that Garrett brought home for me today from the Cheesecake Factory, it looks like I am going to have to get on that thing and run. Maybe it will be raining on Saturday morning and I wont have to run with the group again. Can you tell I am not feeling much like running today? I would rather be upstairs in my bed, reading or watching t.v., or sleeping.
First I have to get those boys in bed though. I can hear them still in the bath as it gets closer to 8:00, their bedtime.

I told the office manager at work today that I would be able to start working another hour on Wednesdays because Kevin is in an after school program that day. You would have thought that I told her I could work a 40 hours week. I could see her mind starting to think of who would be the lucky one to fill that hour. Those hours in speech therapy are like gold. Fortunately for me, there is more of a demand than there are therapists.

My mind wanders when I don't have a true topic to write about, can you tell? I can't get that cheesecake out of my mind though, so I better go get the boys in bed so I can get on with my run. Maybe tomorrow I will have something more interesting to write about.


Anonymous said...


I think you might be the only one who cares about my book reviews, oh Well. You will LOVE the Janet Evanovich Series, you'll have to let me know after you read one. If you go to the top of my blog there is a red bar across the top, click on it and there are a million different templates, however when you add the new template you have to rebuild your whole link list etc. Fun to read your blog, your boys are super cute. I wish I could be a runner, I have tried and I practically die after a block, and this was when I was dancing 2 days a week for 90min yoga once a week for an hour and the gym twice a week, just goes to show all each activity requires different stamina.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tasha!
Yeah, I know about those CheeseCake Factory goodies. When we went to lunch at Grandma's nieces, they had 4 different kinds of cheesecake from the Factory. Delicious, but dangerous!

We brought in a Cardio thingamajig that we've had out on the deck, and set it up in the front room. I can only do 5 minutes at a time! But it sure helps to have it here when it's raining outside. Luckily our rains have been sporatic and I've been able to also walk the past few days. I'd much rather be outside....

Keep up the good work. We're all familiar with those "I don't want to exercise today" thoughts, but you'll feel better if you just keep with it (says a true couch potato).
I'm actually talking to myself. I'd be so proud of myself if I would stick to it like you have.

Well, the sun's peeking through the clouds, so I'm going for a walk!
Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to not wanting to go out and walk. Luckily, I woke up at 5:15 this a.m. due to Bob's snoring and I thought, "What a great opportunity to walk." I walked and then met a girlfriend for breakfast. I was good today and ordered the tabbouli scramble, no toast and no potatoes, fruit instead. After a workout, I can sometimes make wiser food choices. But, then other times, I pig out. One day at a time!